Jazzpictures - Archive of jazz and blues artists pictures
Photographic archive featuring pictures of jazz and blues artists, all pictures were taken by Paolo Ferraresi, you can purchase high resolution images.
Paolo Ferraresi jazz photographer, ferraresi, Paolo Ferraresi fotografo, Paolo Ferraresi fotografo di artisti jazz, jazz artists pictures,blues artists pictures, ph paolo ferraresi,jazzisti italiani,Abdullah Ibrahim,Ahmad Jamal,Al Grey,Albert Mangelsdorff,Archie Shepp,Anthony Braxton,Arrigo Polillo,Art Blakey,Art Blakey and Jazz Messengers,Jazz Messengers,Art Ensemble of Chicago,Art Farmer,Arthur Blythe,Arthur Davis,B.B. King,Benny Golson,Betty Carter,Billy Cobham,Bill Evans,Billy Hart,Billy Higgins,Bill Saxton,Bobby Hutcherson,Buddy Tate,Buster Williams
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Paolo Ferraresi - fotografo di artisti jazz e blues

Welcome to



A small, yet interesting photographic archive featuring pictures of jazz and blues artists. All the pictures were taken by me, Paolo Ferraresi, during concerts and travels in the years 1978-2005. 
Here you can purchase high resolution images to be enclosed in newspaper articles, magazines, books and many more. In order to buy pictures, browse the catalog of available artists, and fill out the form to request information in the “Contact” section.
To see the images, click here:


Most of the images were taken
with negative film, without
high definition as today is normal
for this reason you could see
in the images some scratches and
dots due to the grain precisely.

Paolo Ferraresi offers
photographic services to artists
who request it, ask for
information, fill form on
“contact” page.

Last update images

last galleries inserted

The site is updated weekly, below you can see the latest photo galleries inserted.